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Let me not fail equally to declare that Mrs. Beever’s general suspicion of him, as our sad want of signs for shades and degrees condemns me to call it, rested on nothing in the nature of evidence. If she had ever really uttered it she might have been brought up rather short on the question of grounds. There were certainly, at any rate, no grounds in Tony’s having, before church, sent a word over to her on the subject of their coming to luncheon. “Dear Julia, this morning, is really grand,” he had written. “ We’ve just managed to move to her downstairs room,  菩提根不是树根,而是一种叫做贝叶棕的种子,这种植物几十年开花结果一次就死亡了,它的叶子就是制作贝叶经的材料,菩提根就是贝叶棕的树籽,表面看就是一个种子,不起眼而且粗糙,剖开就是象巧克力色花纹的皮,**里面的是白色,经过长时期的盘玩会变成黄褐色。



Sunday trains are such a bore that, having wired him to take the other line, I’m sending to meet him at Plumbury.” Mrs. Beever had no need to reflect on these few lines to be comfortably conscious that they summarised the nature of her neighbour down to the “ dashed sociability,” as she had heard the poor fellow, in sharp reactions, himself call it, that had made him scribble them and that always made him talk too much for a man in what, more than he, she held to be a “position.” He was there in his premature bustle over his wife’s slow recovery; he was there in his boyish impatience to improvise a feast; he was there in the simplicity with which he exposed himself to the depredations, to the possible avalanche, of Miss Armiger’s belong ings. He was there moreover in his free-handed way of sending six miles for a young man from China, and he was most of all there in his allusion to the probable lateness of luncheon. Many things in these days were new at the other house, but nothing was so new as the hours of meals. Mrs. Beever had of old repeatedly dined there on the stroke of six. It will be seen that, as I began  

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