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  • 联系人:王经理
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“Don’t say that,” replied Tony, “ at a moment when I know so little if I mayn’t have to ask you still more! ” This exclamation made her meet his eyes with a turn of her own that might have struck him had he not been following another train. “ To you I can say it, Rose she’s inex pressibly  菩提根不是树根,而是一种叫做贝叶棕的种子,这种植物几十年开花结果一次就死亡了,它的叶子就是制作贝叶经的材料,菩提根就是贝叶棕的树籽,表面看就是一个种子,不起眼而且粗糙,剖开就是象巧克力色花纹的皮,**里面的是白色,经过长时期的盘玩会变成黄褐色。


The glass doors, as Tony spoke, had been thrown open by the butler. The young man from China was there a short, meagre young man, with a smooth face and a dark blue double-breasted jacket. “ Mr. Vidal! ” the butler an nounced, withdrawing again, while the visitor, whose entrance had been rapid, suddenly and shyly faltered at the sight of his host. His pause, however, lasted but just long enough to enable Rose to bridge it over with the frankest maidenly grace; and Tony’s quick sense of being out of place at this reunio was not a bar to the im pression of her charming, instant action, her soft “Dennis, Dennis! ” her light, fluttered arms, her tenderly bent head and the short, bright stillness of her clasp of her lover. Tony shone down at them with the pleasure of having helped them, and the warmth of it was in his immediate grasp of the traveller’s hand. He cut short his em barrassed thanks he was too delighted; and leav ing him with the remark that he would presently come back to show him his room, he went off again to poor Julia. 

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