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Julien found that his dignity required him to return to his room inbroad daylight and with deliberate want of precaution.

  The continuous attention with which he watched his own slightest actions, in the insane idea of being taken for a man of experience, had thisone advantage; when he saw Madame de Renal again, at luncheon, hisbehaviour was a miracle of prudence.

  As for her, she could not look at him without blushing to the whites ofher eyes, and could not live for an instant without looking at him; shenoticed her own confusion, and her efforts to conceal it increased. Julienraised his eyes to hers once only. At first, Madame de Renal admired hisprudence. Presently, seeing that this solitary glance was not repeated,she took alarm: 'Can it be that he does not love me any more,' she askedherself; 'alas, I am far too old for him; I am ten years his senior.'

   On the way from the dining-room to the garden, she pressed Julien'shand. In the surprise that he felt at so extraordinary a token of affection,he gazed at her with passion; for she had struck him as looking verypretty at luncheon, and, without raising his eyes, he had spent his timemaking a detailed catalogue of her charms. This look consoled Madamede Renal; it did not remove all her uneasiness; but her uneasiness removed, almost entirely, the remorse she felt when she thought of herhusband.

  At luncheon, the said husband had noticed nothing; not so with Madame Derville; she feared Madame de Renal to be on the point of succumbing. All through the day, her bold, incisive friendship did not sparethe other those hinted suggestions intended to portray in hideous col-ours the danger that she was running.

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