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'Alas! I am ten years older than you! How can you love me?' she repeated without any object, simply because the idea oppressed her.

  Julien could not conceive such a thing, but he saw that her distress wasgenuine, and almost entirely forgot his fear of being ridiculous.

  The foolish idea of his being regarded as a servile lover, at hismistress's beck and call, on account of his humble birth, vanished likewise. In proportion as Julien's transports reassured his coy mistress, sherecovered some degree of happiness and the faculty of criticising her lover. Fortunately, he showed almost nothing, on this occasion, of that borrowed air which had made their meeting the night before a victory, butnot a pleasure. Had she noticed his intentness upon playing a part, thepainful discovery would have robbed her of all happiness for ever. Shecould have seen in it nothing else than a painful consequence of their disparity of age.

  Albeit Madame de Renal had never thought about theories of love, difference of age is, next to difference of fortune, one of the great commonplaces of provincial humour, whenever there is any talk of love.

  In a few days, Julien, all the ardour of his youth restored, was madlyin love.

  'One must admit,' he said to himself, 'that her kindness of heart is angelic, and that no one could be prettier.'

  He had almost entirely lost the idea of a part to be played. In a moment of unrestrained impulse, he even confessed to her all his 

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