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This confidence raised to its climax the passion that he inspired. 'So Ihave not had any fortunate rival,' Madame de Renal said to herself withecstasy. She ventured to question him as to the portrait in which he tooksuch an interest; Julien swore to her that it was that of a man.

  When Madame de Renal was calm enough to reflect, she could not getover her astonishment that such happiness could exist and that she hadnever had the slightest idea of it.

  'Ah!' she said to herself, 'if I had known Julien ten years ago, when Imight still be considered pretty!'

  Julien's thoughts were worlds apart from these. His love was stillfounded in ambition: it was the joy of possessing—he, a poor creature sounfortunate and so despised—so noble and beautiful a woman. His actsof adoration, his transports at the sight of his mistress's charms, ended by reassuring her somewhat as to the difference in age. Had she possessed a little of that worldly wisdom a woman of thirty has long enjoyed in more civilised lands, she would have shuddered for the continuance of a love which seemed to exist only upon surprise and the titillation of self-esteem.

  In the moments when he forgot his ambition, Julien went into transports over everything that Madame de Renal possessed, including herhats and gowns. He could not tire of the pleasure of inhaling their perfume. He opened her wardrobe and stood for hours on end marvelling atthe beauty and neat arrangement of everything inside. His mistress,leaning upon his shoulder, gazed at him; he himself gazed at those ornaments and fripperies which on a wedding day are displayed among thepresents.

  'I might have married a man like this!' Madame de Renal sometimesthought; 'What a fiery spirit! What a rapturous life with him!'

  As for Julien, never had he found himself so close to those terribleweapons of feminine artillery. 'It is impossible,' he told himself, 'that inParis there can be anything finer!' After which he could find no objectionto his happiness. Often his mistress's sincere admiration, and her transports of passion made him forget the fatuous theory that had kept him sorestrained and almost ridiculous in the first moments of their intimacy.

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