供应云南琥珀密腊原石批发 **产品

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When you have completed your fifteenth year,” said the grandmother, “You shall have leave to rise up out of the sea, to sit on the rocks in the moonlight, and to see the great ships sailing by. Then you will see forests and towns !”

In the next year one of the sisters was fifteen years of age, but each of the others was one year younger than the next ; so that the youngest had full five years to wait before she could come up from the bottom of the sea, and find out how our world looked . But one promised to tell the others what she had seen and what she had thought the most beautiful on the first day of her visit ; for their grandmother could not tell them enough----there was so much about which they wanted information.

No one was more anxious about these things than the youngest----just that one who had the longest time to wait, and who was always quiet and thoughtful . Many a night she stood by the open window, and looked up through the dark blue water at the fishes splashing with their fins and tails . Moon and stars she could see; they certainly shone quite faintly , but through the water they looked much larger than they appear in our eyes . When something like a black cloud passed among them, she knew that it was either a whale swimming over her head , or a ship with many people : they certainly did not think that a pretty little sea maid was standing down below stretching up her white hands towards the keel of their ship .


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