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In the following year, the second sister received permission to mount upward through the water and to swim whither she pleased. She rose up just as the sun was setting; and this spectacle, she said, was the most beautiful . The whole sky looked like gold , she said , and as to the clouds, she could not properly describe their beauty. They sailed away over her head , purple and violetcoloured, but far quicker than the clouds there flew a flight of wild swans, like a long white veil, over the water towards wher the sun stood. She swam towards them; but the sun sank , and the roseate hue faded on the sea and in the clouds .

In the following year the next sister went up . She was the boldest of them all , and therefore she swam up a broad stream that poured its waters into the sea. She saw glorious green hills clothed with vines; palaces and castles peeped forth from amid splendid woods; she heard how all the birds sang; and the sun shone so warm that she was often obliged to dive under the water to cool her glowing face . In a little bay she found a whole swarm of little mortals. They were quite naked, and splashed about in the water: she wanted to play with them, but they fled in affright, and a little black animal came----it was a dog, but she had never seen a dog----and it barked at her so terribly that she became frightened, and made out to the open sea. But she could never forget the glorious woods, the green hills, and the pretty children, who could swim in the water though they had not fish-tails.

The fourth sister was not so bold: she remained out in the midst of the wild sea, and declared that just there it was most beautiful. One could see for many miles around, and the sky above looked like a bell of glass. She had seen ships , but only in the far distance----they looked like seagulls; and the funny dolphins had thrown somersaults, and the great whales spouted out water from their nostrils, so that it looked like hundreds of fountains all around .

Now came the turn of the fifth sister. Her birthday came in the winter, and so she saw what the others had not seen the first time. The sea looked quite green, and great icebergs were floating about ; each one appeared like a pearl , she said , and yet was much taller than the church steeples built by men. They showed themselves in the strangest forms , and shone like diamonds . She had seated herself upon one of the greatest of all , and let the wind play with her long hair; and all the sailing ships tacked about in great alarm to get beyond wher she sat; but towards evening, the sky became covered with clouds, it thundered and lightened, and the black waves lifted the great iceblocks high up, and let them glow in the red glare. On all the ships the sails were reefed, and there was fear and anguish . But she sat quietly upon her floating iceberg, and saw the forked blue flashes dart into the sea.

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