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“Well, not exactly to say an entrance, sir. There’s a small private door at the back into the court behind, but that’s only opened to take in coals and such, and I always have the key. This house isn’t like yours, sir; you have no back way into the court as we have. It’s a convenience, sometimes.”

“Ah, I’ve no doubt. Do you happen to have the key with you?”

“It’s on the bunch hanging up in my box, sir. Shall I fetch it?”

“I should like to see it, if you will.”

The housekeeper disappeared, and presently returned with a large bunch of keys.

“This is the one, Mr. Hewitt,” he explained, lifting it from among the rest.

Hewitt examined it closely, and then placed beside it one from the bunch Plummer had given him. “It seems you’re not the only person who ever had a key exactly like that, Hutt,” he said. “See here — this was found in Mr. Denson’s pocket.”

Plummer nodded sagaciously. “All in the plant,” he said. “See — it’s brand new; clean as a new pin, and file marks still on it.”

“Take us to this back door, Hutt,” Hewitt pursued. “We’ll try this key. Is there a back staircase?”

There was a small back staircase, leading to the coal-cellars, and only used by servants. Down this we all went, and on a lower landing we stopped before a small door. Hewitt slipped the key in the lock and turned it. The door opened easily, and there before us was the little courtyard which I think I have mentioned in one of my other narratives — the courtyard with a narrow passage leading into the next street.

Martin Hewitt seemed singularly excited. “See there,” he said, “that is how Denson left the building without passing the housekeeper’s box! And now I’m going to make another shot. See here. This key on Denson’s bunch attracted my attention because of its noticeable newness compared with most of the others. Most of the others, I say, because there is one other just as bright — see! This small one. Now, Hutt, do you happen to have a key like that also?”


糖宝毛绒玩具**报价         糖宝毛绒玩具批发   糖宝毛绒玩具厂家



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