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“Now, see here!” said Martin Hewitt, “I’ve had luck in my conjectures as yet, and I’ll try again. Here is what I believe has happened. Every word that Samuel told me about the theft of those diamonds was true, except as to their ownership. Denson has planned all along to rob him of as big a collection of diamonds as he could prompt him to get together, and he has played up to this for months. His smaller dealings one way and another were ground-bait. Very artfully he let Samuel take the diamonds safely away once, in order that he should be less watchful and less suspicious the second time. This second time he does the trick exactly as we see. He hangs up the imaginary American’s hat, he escapes by the fanlight, and he goes out by the back way to avoid the housekeeper’s observation. He has arranged beforehand for this, too. He has seized an opportunity when the housekeeper has been out of his box to get wax impressions of these two keys, and he has made copies of them. And here we come on a curious thing. It is easy enough to understand why he should foresee and get himself a key for the back door, in order to make his escape. But why the key of the hose-cupboard? Why, indeed, should he leave the diamonds behind him at all? It is plain that he meant to come back for them — probably at night. He would have been wholly free from observation in that quiet courtyard, and he could let himself in, get the diamonds, and leave again without exciting the smallest alarm or suspicion. But why take all the trouble? Why not stick to the plunder from the beginning? The plain inference is that he feared somebody or something. He feared being stopped and searched, or he feared being waylaid sometime during yesterday. By whom? There’s the puzzle, and I can’t see the bottom of it, I confess. If I could, perhaps I might know something of last night’s murder.

“As to Samuel’s prevarications, there is only one explanation that will fit, now that the rest is made clear. He must have been entrusted with these diamonds by a private owner, for sale — secretly. Some lady of conspicuous position in difficulties, probably — perhaps unknown to her husband. Such things occur every day. A common expedient is to sell the stones and have good paste substituted, in the same settings. Samuel would be just the man to carry through a transaction of that sort. That would account for everything. The jewels are en suite, cut, but unset — taken from a set of jewellery, and paste substituted. Samuel arranges it all for the lady, finds a customer — Denson — who treats him exactly as he has told us. When he realises the loss Samuel doesn’t know what to do. He mustn’t call the police, being bound to secrecy on the lady’s behalf. He sends her a hasty message, and remains keeping watch by Denson’s office. She hurries to him with all possible secrecy, keeping her carriage blinds down; he dashes into the brougham to describe the disaster, taking his case with him in his frantic desire to explain things fully. The lady fears publicity, and won’t hear of the police — she instructs him to consult me: and consequently, of course, when I recommend communicating with the police he won’t listen to the suggestion. 


糖宝毛绒玩具**报价         糖宝毛绒玩具批发   糖宝毛绒玩具厂家



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