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 Samuel has arranged with the lady to hurry off and report progress as soon as he has consulted me, and this he does, the lady having appointed Manchester Square for the interview. Perhaps she hints some suspicion of Samuel’s honesty — rather natural, perhaps, in the circumstances. That terrifies him more than ever, and leads to his frantic appeals to me when I throw the case up. Come, there’s my guess at the facts of the case, and I’ll back it with twopence and a bit more. Eh, Plummer?”

“I don’t take your bet,” answered Plummer. “The thing’s plain enough; except the murder. There’s something deeper there.”

Hewitt became grave. “That’s true,” he said, “and something I can see no way into, as yet. But come — you take this parcel of diamonds, as representing the law. And here comes one of your men, I think.”

We had been approaching the front door during this talk, and now a police constable appeared, and saluted Plummer. “Samuel’s just been brought in, sir,” he reported. “He’s half dead with fright, and he’s sent a message to Lady H—— in P—— Square; and he says he wants Mr. Martin Hewitt to come and speak for him.”

“Poor Samuel!” Hewitt commented. “Come, we’ll go and make him happy. Here are the diamonds, and, those safely accounted for, there’s no evidence to connect him with the murder. We’ll get him out of the mess as soon as possible.”

And so they did. Hewitt’s reading of the case was correct to a tittle, as it turned out, and with very little delay Samuel was released. But with the message from the police station, the fat was in the fire as regarded Lady H——. Her husband necessarily became acquainted with everything, and there was serious domestic trouble.

Samuel was glad enough to get quit of the business with no worse than a bad fright, as may well be supposed. He showed himself most grateful to Hewitt in after times, giving him excellent confidential advice and information more than once in matters connected with the diamond trade. He is still in business, I believe, in a much larger way, and I have no doubt he is the wiser for his experience, and for the lesson which Hewitt did not forget to rub well in: that it is useless and worse to place a confidential matter in the hands of a man of Hewitt’s profession, and at the same time withhold particulars of the case, however unessential they may appear to be.

But meantime, on the way to Vine Street I asked Hewitt what led him to suppose that the new key on Denson’s bunch fitted a lock in that particular office building.

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