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“But look here, Hewitt,” I said, “this seems a bit mad. Why go and risk yourself as you talk of doing? You believe Mayes will be there, at the ruin, or will come there at twelve. Very well, then, why can’t the police send enough men to surround the place and capture him for certain?”

Hewitt smiled and shook his head. “My dear Brett,” he said, “you haven’t seen the place, and I have. It will be hard enough job for you and Plummer to get near the spot unobserved, guided by a man who knows every inch. A trampling crowd of policemen would have as much chance as a herd of elephants, and on such light nights as we are having now they would be seen a mile off. And who knows what scouts he may have out? No, as I say, it will be a great piece of luck if you get through unobserved as it is, and even now I’m not perfectly certain that I couldn’t do best alone. However, arrangements are made now, and you are coming, three of you.”

“Then what are the arrangements?” I asked.

“Just these. You are to leave here first. Make the best of your way to Mile End Gate, wher an old inn stands in the middle of the road. Go to the corner of the turning opposite this, at the south side of the road. At eleven o’clock a four-wheeler will drive up, with Plummer and one of his men in it. The man is one who knows all the geography of Channel Marsh, and he also knows exactly wher to find the boat I used to-day. You will drive to a little way beyond Bow Bridge, and then Plummer’s man will lead you to the boat. You had better scull and leave the others to look out. They will know what to do. You will pull along to a place wher you can watch till you see me coming on to the Marsh by the path. As soon as you see me you will slip quietly along to a place the policeman will show you, close to the ruin, and watch again. That’s all. I don’t know whether or not you think it worth while to take a pistol. I certainly shall; but then I’m most likely to want it. Plummer will have one.”

I thought it well worth while, and I took my regulation “Webley”— a relic of my old Volunteer captaincy. Then, by way of the underground railway, I gained the neighbourhood of Mile End, and interested myself about its back streets till the time approached to look for Plummer’s cab.

Plummer was more than punctual — indeed, he was two or three minutes before his time. The cab drew near the kerb and scarcely stopped, so quickly did I scramble in.

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