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      采用上等环保平丝绒面料,不退色,不掉毛。填充100%环保PP棉,无毒无害,色泽本白,填充饱满,做工精致,车缝裁片针距和边距全部按照外贸出口标准生产,不会有爆裂的现象。版型漂亮,可以做汽车挂饰,商务赠品, 抓机公仔,游戏奖品,会叫娘亲的糖宝玩具在哪里批发。

“May he come up here?” I asked, mindful of maintaining my watch.

“Certainly, sir, if you like. I’ll bring him.”

Presently the shuffling man with the dirty whiskers presented himself. He was a shifty, villainous-looking fellow of middle height, looking a “nark” all over. He pulled off his cap and delivered his message in a rum-scented whisper. “Inspector Plummer says the front way don’t matter now,” he said. “‘E can cop ’im fair the other way if you’ll go round to him at once. If Mr. Martin Hewitt’s here ‘e’d rather ‘ave ’im, but on’y one’s to come now.”

Naturally, I thought, Plummer would prefer Hewitt; but in this case I should for once be ahead of my friend, and have the pleasure of relating the circumstances of the capture to him, instead of listening, as usual, to his own quiet explanations of the manner in which the case had been brought to a successful issue. So I took my hat and went.

“Best let me go in front,” whispered the “nark.” “You bein’ a toff might be noticed.” It was a reasonable precaution, and I followed him accordingly.

We went a little way down Barbican, and presently, taking a very narrow turning, plunged into a cluster of alleys, through which, however, I could plainly perceive that our way lay in the direction of the back of the house in Norbury Row. At length my guide stopped at what seemed a stable yard, pushed open a wicket gate, and went in, keeping the gate open for me to follow.

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