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微信 QQ :15811042829

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And there is another oddity. Look, and you will see that, counting the noughts in, the letters go in groups of eight, with a semi-colon at the end of each group. Now, it is impossible that the message can be a sentence in which every word has exactly eight letters — or, at least, I should think so. It can scarcely be that the semi-colon itself means a letter — it would be singular for one letter to occur with such curious regularity as that. There is no other visible division between the words, nor any single one of the usual aids by which the reader of secret cypher is able to take a hold of his work. No, I’m afraid I must give it up; for the present, at any rate. But I really think it is a thing that would vastly interest Hewitt, if I might show it to him. I suppose I mustn’t?”

“Well,” McCarthy answered, “perhaps it isn’t strictly according to rule, but I think I might venture to lend it to you till to-morrow, if that will do. Indeed, I think, on second thoughts, that I may consider myself quite justified, since it may lead to the man’s identification, and it will be a sufficient answer to any inquiry to say that I have shown it to Mr. Martin Hewitt for that purpose. But you’ll be careful of it, won’t you? Do you want the key, too?”

“I think, if I may, I will take the key and the envelope all together. You can never tell what may or what may not help him, and the three things may hang together, and perhaps explain each other in some mysterious way.”

“Very good — here’s the whole bag of tricks. It’s a queer business altogether, and I must say I feel inquisitive; certainly, if Hewitt can get anything out of those figures I shall be mighty curious to know how he does it. You’ll come in again to-morrow, then?”


糖宝毛绒玩具**报价     糖宝毛绒玩具批发   糖宝毛绒玩具厂家



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