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Hi, my name is Katheryn Bloomwood, and I have a very similar situation against the popular story, CINDERELLA. Although one of my step sister Rebecca Bloomwood is my best friend. Our another step sister Collie is the youngest in our family. She's always show off to the other people. Which makes us very CRAZY.

once we went on a family vocation to the North Hemisphere, which is China. She acted as she accidently lost her wallet and tried to steal mine ones. She took my wallet without asking, HOW RUDE!!!

After all, we told Mrs Bloomwood all about it. Then she ignored us and locked us in our rooms and said'DON'T YOU DARE COMPLAIN about MY DEAR COLLIE'.

We've been locked in our room for 12 hours, 12 HOURS!!! Luckily I escaped from the window and climbed on the roof to save Becky.

Another day we received a invitation from a k-pop concert, and there are two tickets there. Mrs Bloomwood told us that only Collie and she could go to the concert.Non of us CAN. So on that day, they fully dressed up, waiting for the chauffeur and go to the concert. So do us, but me and Rebecca only share one chauffeur. Therefore we chose to walk. After we went there, we saw Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Jessie J, Nicki Minaj, Charlie XCX, Taylor Henderson, Guy Sebastian, Lenka, Justice Crew, Iggy Azalea, Rita Ora, Rihanna, Meghan Trainor... Lots and lots... When it was Charlie's turn to sing, she yelled out 'PARTY NIGHT GUYS, OH!!! I RECOGNIZED YOU!!' she pointed at me, then she yelled again, ' COMON, LET'S ROCK THIS PARTY!! WOOHOO!!!'

- THE END -Hi, my name is Katheryn Bloomwood, and I have a very similar situation against the popular story, CINDERELLA. Although one of my step sister Rebecca Bloomwood is my best friend. Our another step sister Collie is the youngest in our family. She's always show off to the other people. Which makes us very CRAZY.

once we went on a family vocation to the North Hemisphere, which is China. She acted as she accidently lost her wallet and tried to steal mine ones. She took my wallet without asking, HOW RUDE!!!

After all, we told Mrs Bloomwood all about it. Then she ignored us and locked us in our rooms and said'DON'T YOU DARE COMPLAIN about MY DEAR COLLIE'.

We've been locked in our room for 12 hours, 12 HOURS!!! Luckily I escaped from the window and climbed on the roof to save Becky.

Another day we received a invitation from a k-pop concert, and there are two tickets there. Mrs Bloomwood told us that only Collie and she could go to the concert.Non of us CAN. So on that day, they fully dressed up, waiting for the chauffeur and go to the concert. So do us, but me and Rebecca only share one chauffeur. Therefore we chose to walk. After we went there, we saw Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Jessie J, Nicki Minaj, Charlie XCX, Taylor Henderson, Guy Sebastian, Lenka, Justice Crew, Iggy Azalea, Rita Ora, Rihanna, Meghan Trainor... Lots and lots... When it was Charlie's turn to sing, she yelled out 'PARTY NIGHT GUYS, OH!!! I RECOGNIZED YOU!!' she pointed at me, then she yelled again, ' COMON, LET'S ROCK THIS PARTY!! WOOHOO!!!'


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