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The mystery of Denson’s death remained a mystery, despite all the police could do. The coroner’s jury returned a verdict of “Murder by some person or persons unknown”— which, indeed, was all that could be expected of them; for they had no more before them than the bare fact that the body, disguised in the clothes of a labourer, had been found on the steps near the Duke of York’s column, just before midnight, by a police constable. But for the housekeeper’s identification, even the name of the victim would have been unknown. The jury certainly wasted some time in idle speculation as to the strange triangular mark found on the forehead, without a speck of evidence to help them; but in the end they returned their verdict, and went home.

But the police knew a little more than the jury, though that little rather confused than helped them. They exercised their judgment at the inquest in withholding all evidence of the theft of diamonds on which the victim had been engaged, the curious particulars of which I have already related. In this they followed their usual course in cases wher the evidence withheld could give the jury no help in arriving at their verdict, and at the same time might easily hamper further investigations if revealed. For the theft had been frustrated by Martin Hewitt’s exertions, as we have seen, and in any case the thief was now dead and beyond the reach of human punishment. The one matter now remaining for the police was inquiry into the murder of this same thief, and the one object of their exertions the apprehension of the murderer or murderers.

The case, as I have already said, was in the hands of Inspector Plummer, an intelligent officer and an old friend of Hewitt’s. A few days’ work after the inquest yielded Plummer so little result that he called at Hewitt’s office to talk matters over.

“I suppose,” Plummer began, “it’s no use asking if you’ve heard anything more of that matter of Denson’s murder?”
sily hamper further investigations if revealed. For the theft had been frustrated by Martin Hewitt’s exertions, as we have seen, and in any case the thief was now dead and beyond the reach of human punishment. The one matter now remaining for the police was inquiry into the murder of this same thief, and the one object of their exertions the apprehension of the murderer or murderers.

The case, as I have already said, was in the hands of Inspector Plummer, an intelligent officer and an old friend of Hewitt’s. A few days’ work after the inquest yielded Plummer so little result that he called at Hewitt’s office to talk matters over.

“I suppose,” Plummer began, “it’s no use asking if you’ve heard anything more of that matter of Denson’s murder?”

Hewitt shook his head. “I haven’t heard a word,” he said. “If I had, it would have come on to you at once. But I hope you’ve had sohe victim had been engaged, the curious particulars of which I have already related. In this they followed their usual course in cases wher the evidence withheld could give the jury no help in arriving at their verdict, and at the same time might easily hamper further investigations if revealed. For the theft had been frustrated by Martin Hewitt’s exertions, as we have seen, and in any case the thief was now dead and beyond the reach of human punishment. The one matter now remaining for the police was inquiry into the murder of this same thief, and the one object of their exertions the apprehension of the murderer or murderers.

The case, as I have already said, was in the hands of Inspector Plummer, an intelligent officer and an old friend of Hewitt’s. A few days’ work after the inquest yielded Plummer so little result that he called at Hewitt’s office to talk matters over.

“I suppose,” Plummer began, “it’s no use asking if you’ve heard anything more of that matter of Denson’s murder?”

Hewitt shook his head. “I haven’t heard a word,” he said. “If I had, it would have come on to you at once. But I hope you’ve had so

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