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(会发光会说3句话) 会喊娘亲 爹地 会叫糖宝 会说我饿了
、 在这青春流逝的岁月中,年华带走那份纯真,风雨载走了那份痴心!懵懵中自己已穿过了的春秋,一条蹉跎的路曲折蜿蜒,走过的路铭记的事,都已随风飘逸在心灵的角落!岁月无声,来也匆匆去也匆匆,在淡然间磨平我身上的棱角。不经意间岁月在我身边无声的流淌,经历磨炼使我学会了忍受,种种不如意后我学会了沉默。群山在无声中诉说伟岸,江河在无声中书写恢弘,蓝天在无声中袒露旷远,大地在无声中酿就永恒。因为消逝,我学会了珍惜,珍惜每一个花开的日子。总觉得,生活沉甸甸的,压得人喘不过气。其实,沉重的不是生活,只是我们在纷扰的城市里躁动的心。无声岁月里,我慢慢长大,人生的成长总是逃不开宿命。黑夜与白昼的交替是如此清晰,而爱与恨的界限,却不知该如何划分?
Living on rich land, on their own land, near to a growing town, they had forgotten what it was to be in straitened circumstances. They had never become rich, because there were always children, and the patrimony was divided every time. But always, at the Marsh, there was ample.
So the Brangwens came and went without fear of necessity, working hard because of the life that was in them, not for want of the money. Neither were they thriftless. They were aware of the last halfpenny, and instinct made them not waste the peeling of their apple, for it would help to feed the cattle. But heaven and earth was teeming around them, and how should this cease? They felt the rush of the sap in spring, they knew the wave which cannot halt, but every year throws forward the seed to begetting, and, falling back, leaves the young-born on the earth. They knew the intercourse between heaven and earth, sunshine drawn into the breast and bowels, the rain sucked up in the daytime, nakedness that comes under the wind in autumn, showing the birds’ nests no longer worth hiding. Their life and interrelations were such; feeling the pulse and body of the soil, that opened to their furrow for the grain, and became smooth and supple after their ploughing, and clung to their feet with a weight that pulled like desire, lying hard and unresponsive when the crops were to be shorn away. The young corn waved and was silken, and the lustre slid along the limbs of the men who saw it. They took the udder of the cows, the cows yielded milk and pulse against the hands of the men, the pulse of the blood of the teats of the cows beat into the pulse of the hands of the men. They mounted their horses, and held life between the grip of their knees, they harnessed their horses at the wagon, and, with hand on the bridle-rings, drew the heaving of the horses after their will.
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(会发光会说3句话) 会喊娘亲 爹地 会叫糖宝 会说我饿了
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