
价格 6.00
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云南毛冬青批发 云南毛冬青批发厂家 云南毛冬青厂家批发价格 云南毛冬青批发**报价

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When I had done the house all grey, and doors and windows white, I went down to the summer-house and did that the same. But it turned out horrible to look at; the yellow underneath showed through and made it a ghastly colour. The flagstaff I took down and painted a clean white. Then I put in a spell of field-work with Nils and was haymaking for some days. Early in August it was.

Now, when I went back to my painting again I had settled in my mind to start on the house as early as possible, so as to be well on the way with it before the Captain was up — too far, if I could manage it, to go back! I started at three in the morning; there was a heavy dew, and I had to rub the woodwork over with a bit of sack. I worked away for an hour, and then had coffee, then on again till eight. I knew the Captain would be getting up then, so I went off to help Nils for an hour and be out of the way. I had done as much as I wanted, and my idea now was to give the Captain time to get over the shock of my grey, in case he should have got up in an irritable mood.



毛冬青的功效与作用  清热**,**通脉。治风热感冒,肺热喘咳,喉头水肿,扁桃体炎,痢毛冬青药物疾,冠心病,脑血管意外所致的偏瘫,血栓闭塞性脉管炎,丹毒,烫伤,中心性视网膜炎,葡萄膜炎,以及皮肤急性化脓性炎症。用于冠状动脉硬化性心脏病、急性心肌梗塞、血柱闭塞性脉管炎;外用治烧、烫伤,

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