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精时恒达名表连锁维修热线400-875-1181 全国百家连锁,手表维修**,服务地区:北京 、上海、广州、杭州、深圳、沈阳、南京、太原、成都、 天津、 南昌 、武汉 、、等等


























  腕表需要保养而且除去OMEGA现行的同轴机芯外(同轴机芯**声称的保养年限是 10年一次), 几乎所有机械腕表在正常佩戴的情况下需要每4-5年送去专业机构保养一次。因为磨损,机芯摆轮需要每分钟一万次以上的相互摩擦,表油在这个过程中很好的起 到了润滑的作用。随着时间的推移,表油会渐渐干涸,而之后的磨损就会逐步增加。为此,定期保养是**必须的。

  1. 防水:很多人觉得好的手表应该是防水的。瑞士人则有与全球人民不同的认识。绝大多数的腕表防水为 30米或者50米。而很多人以为这就意味着自己的表可以放入相应深度的水中而没有问题。错!30米或者50米在瑞士腕表词典里意味着生活防水。其真实的意 义是:尽量不要将你的表弄湿。而只有当防水标深达到100米的时候才能放入水中才不至于进水。真正的潜水表往往需要超过200米的防水标深。

  2. 温度:有些人佩戴着潜水表蒸桑拿。桑拿房的温度远远高于室外的正常温度,为此瞬间温差变化将导致腕表内的防水垫圈提前老化。即便是潜水表,也可能在规定更换防水垫圈前就失去防水功能。

  3. 灰尘:灰尘在我们看来似乎和腕表没有太大的关系,对于机芯本身而言,其三大天敌之一就是:尘。长时间暴露在灰尘密集的区域,自然会导致表壳缝隙中漏入 灰尘。而灰尘的增加将导致机芯表油的更快干涸。这对于机芯来说无疑是坏事。当然,日常生活中长时间高密度的接触灰尘的机会不多,但放一块擦表布,适当的擦 一下腕表表壳还是相当有用的事情。

  4. 震荡:机芯其实相当“脆弱”,尤其是遇到瞬间剧烈震动的时候。君不见很多人戴着高级的正装腕表参与高尔夫的挥杆运动。要知道,特别在开球的那一杆,手 腕的瞬间受力G数是很惊人的。虽然这对于人体骨骼来说并非什么问题,但对于佩戴在手腕上的腕表来说确实是不小的冲击。很多**高级正装腕表都因为主人的热 情挥杆而被送入维修中心。

  5. 磨损 :无论是全钢的或者贵金属表壳,**都存在磨损的问题。很多人觉得不锈钢,或者**磨损这样的名词很有吸引力。但事实上是,哪怕是再好的钢材做成 的表壳,都会有磨损现象。甚至哪怕是表扣每天自然的和桌面磨损。例如我们敲打键盘的时候,都会导致表扣上的难看花纹。为此,适当的注意不要让表壳和表链参 与到无谓的磨损中也是让我们的腕表“看上去很新 ”所需要的。

  6. 磁场:很多人会有这样的经历:刚买来的机械腕表莫名其妙的增加了误差。而这其中**的祸首就是磁。由于现代家庭以及社会环境中充满了电磁场,如果你不小心将自己的腕表经常性的放置在家里的电视机旁的话,用不了多久就会导致机芯受磁。而受磁后的显 着变化就是机芯走时的误差变得越来越大。当然,也不用慌张,万一受磁后可以去专业机构做消磁处理。为了省却这样的麻烦,还是建议平时将不戴的腕表远离强磁场区域。

watch need maintenance and remove the existing coaxial movement OMEGA (coaxial movement official claims maintenance period is the first 10 years), almost all mechanical watches need every 4-5 years to maintain a professional organization in the case of normal wear. Because of the abrasion wheel movement needs ten thousand times per minute or more friction, surface oil in this process has the advantages of excellent lubricating effect. As time goes by, the oil will dry up, and then the wear will gradually increase. To this end, regular maintenance is absolutely necessary.

1 WATERPROOF: a lot of people think that a good watch should be waterproof. The Swiss have a different understanding of the world. Most of the watch waterproof 30 meters or 50 meters. And a lot of people think this means that their own table can be placed in the appropriate depth of the water and no problem. Wrong! 30 meters or 50 meters in the Swiss watch dictionary means life waterproof. Its true meaning is: try not to wet your table. And only when the waterproof standard depth of 100 meters in the water can not be put into the water. Real diving tables often require more than 200 meters of waterproof standard depth.

2 temperature: some people wear a diving table steam sauna. The normal temperature of the sauna room temperature is much higher than the outdoor temperature changes, this moment will result in premature aging of the watch waterproof washer. Even the diving table, it may be required to replace the waterproof gasket before the loss of waterproof function.

3 dust: dust in our Never mind seems to be too large and watch for the movement itself, one of the three natural enemies is dust. Long time exposure to dust in densely populated regions, will naturally lead to cracks in case leakage into dust. And the increase in dust will lead to the movement of table oil faster drying up. This is no doubt a bad thing for the movement. Of course, long time exposure to dust in the daily life of a high density of not many opportunities, but put a piece of cloth to wipe the table, the appropriate wipe case watch is still very useful things.

4 shock: movement is actually quite fragile, especially when the moment of intense shock. Don't you see a lot of people wearing a dress watch in senior golf sport. You know, especially in the kick-off that stroke wrist force moment G number is very alarming. Although this is not what the human skeleton, but to be worn on the wrist watch is indeed not a small impact. A lot of big dress watch because senior master enthusiasm swing was sent to the maintenance center.

5: wear both precious metal or steel case, there is always the problem of wear. Many people think that stainless steel, or never wear such a very attractive term. But the fact is that even if the case is made of good steel, will wear phenomena. Even the surface of the table is a natural wear and tear. For example, when we hit the keyboard, it will lead to the table button on the ugly pattern. Therefore, attention is not appropriate for the case and bracelet in unnecessary wear also let us watch "looks very new need.


magnetic field: a lot of people have this experience: mechanical watches just bought rather baffling increase in error. But the biggest culprit is magnetic. Because of the modern family and social environment is full of electromagnetic field, if you are not careful will place your watch regularly at home near the television, caused by magnetic movement soon. And the significant change in the magnetic field is the error of movement when the movement is getting bigger and bigger. Of course, do not panic, if you can go to the professional magnetic degaussing mechanism. In order to save the trouble, or advice usually will not wear watches far away from the strong magnetic field.

精时恒达全国连锁维修:400-875-1181全国百家连锁,**名表维修**,服务地区:北京 、上海、广州、杭州、深圳、沈阳、南京、太原、成都、 天津、 南昌 、武汉 、、等等

名表维修电话:400-875-1181 ,**名表维修**,服务地区:北京 、上海、广州、杭州、深圳、沈阳、南京、太原、成都、 天津、 南昌 、武汉 、、等等
Watch repair telephone: 400-875-1181, the world leading brand watches maintenance, service areas: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Shenyang, Nanjing, Taiyuan, Chengdu, Tianjin, Nanchang, Wuhan, etc.
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