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  自动机械表 机械表





自动雅典机械表 雅典机械表

  The operation principle of

  automatic mechanical watch is the motion of the arms will drive the movement around, so as to achieve the purpose of automatic winding. Every day as long as you move the arm, automatic mechanical watches will record the precise time for you.

  if you want to wear the automatic mechanical watch every day, the best maintenance method is to tighten the spring every two weeks, to ensure that the normal smooth running gear. Gently rotate the crown (it can also adjust the time and date) until you feel the pressure of the original slightly.

  if you are not every day wear automatic mechanical watches, you should ensure that every two weeks at least once a quarter to ensure continuous operation of automatic mechanical watches, which are within the normal mechanical device and accurate operation.

  is the best for your mechanical watch set at the same time every day. This approach is very useful for internal mechanical devices. If you want to form a rule, then it is recommended that you wake up every morning as you love the wind.

  do not set the date and the week index at night (if your watch has these features). The mechanical device to control the date and week activities space at night, if you change the setting at this time, it will disrupt the original rules.

  when you are in the ongoing swing arm of sports activities (such as tennis, baseball, golf, etc.), it is also recommended that you do not wear automatic mechanical watch, because the continuous arm swing will damage the watch movement

  目前,在全国拥有上百家实体终端,覆盖北京、上海、广州、深圳、南京、杭州等**城市。 实践,每个阶段还要通过相应的测试完成两年课程的学徒将会获得相当于百达南宁欧米茄 回收翡丽二级制表师的资质,可以直接在纽约客户服务中心工作,维修保养搭载基南宁欧米茄 回收础机械机芯、自动机芯及石英机芯的腕表 。 在过去的一整年中,百达翡丽全情投入[url=http://mall.ceoie.com/show-5312933.html]2 (19)[/url]-[url=http://mall.ceoie.com/show-5312931.html]2 (17)[/url]-[url=http://mall.ceoie.com/show-5312929.html]2 (72)[/url]-[url=http://mall.ceoie.com/show-5312925.html]2 (44)[/url]-
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