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廊坊欧米茄特约回收点-咨询电话:156-5244-7333(可微信)廊坊欧米茄特约回收点 上门回收店中国**品**,服务地区:北京 、上海、广州、杭州、深圳、沈阳、南京、长春、哈尔滨、太原、成都、西安、 天津、 南昌 、重庆、武汉 、郑州、济南、苏州、石家庄、长沙、合肥、贵阳、福州、兰州、昆明、乌鲁木齐 等等廊坊欧米茄特约回收点

  手表进灰的原因有哪些?手表进灰如何清洗? 手表进灰与手表品质密不可分






  Watch into grey what are the reasons? Watch how into ash cleaning? The watch is closely connected with the watch quality into ashes

  When it comes to watch this topic into ash, small make up to spread a little common sense for you. In general, watch the production process in a vacuum dust-free environment, the watch seals are very high, almost won't appear phenomenon into ashes. So, watch into ash and its quality is also inseparable. Today, a bit better watch waterproof properties is good, but at the same time of waterproof it is dustproof, only poor quality watch as the growth of the time, and cause a small amount of dust.

  Watch into ashes

  Under normal circumstances, watch the sealing is very high, cause what watches into grey? In addition to artificial random apart watch back cover, there are two main reasons why watch into ashes.

  1. Should first check whether your table, whether due to aging or the whole and the cracking watchcase (circle) is loose. Because of the bad watch closed usually into grey water.

  2. The reason is caused by internal wear, because the ash on the dial is not from the outside world.

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