婴儿床做美国ASTM F1821认证多少钱,婴儿床ASTM F1821申请流程

价格 1.00
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 有婴儿床需要做美国ASTM F1821认证的客户,可以联系销售工程师:陆汉(先生),联系电话:15814410425,手机:18813688670,qq:2355550975.

美国婴儿床ASTM F1821测试项目
  该标准适用于供15个月以下体重不超过50 ib(27.7kg)的儿童使用的,并且能够使用全尺寸童床床垫的婴儿床。
  The standard applies for 15 months of less weighing less than 50 lb (27.7kg) of the children, and be able to use the full-size crib mattress crib.
  1.1 尖点、利边、小部件、木材上的毛刺和木屑sharp points, small sharp edges, parts, burr wood and sawdust
  1.2 剪夹点Scissors grips 1.3 保护件Protective components
  1.4 开口Opening 1.5 标签Labeling
  1.6 角柱外延Prism epitaxy 1.7 床垫保留Mattress reserved
  1.8 床垫支撑系统Mattress support system
  1.9 与框架末端相连接的床垫支撑系统The mattress supporting system connected to the end of the frame
  1.10 护栏Fence 1.11 框架末端frame ends
  1.12 部分边框形成的开口Part of the border opening
  1.13 标志和标签Marking and labeling
  1.14 说明材料Instructions
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